हमारी कहानी

उज़मा लखनऊ के राजाजीपुरम कॉलोनी में रहती है. उसकी ज़िन्दगी आम लड़कियों से बहुत अलग है. उज़मा की सोच लड़कियों की तरह है लेकिन वो लड़कों  की तरह रहती है. जैसे की उसका पहनावा लड़कों की तरह है और वो दिखने में भी लड़का लगती है उज़मा के घर में उसकी मम्मी,पापा उसकी  चार बहने और एक भाई है. वो अपने घर में सबसे छोटी है. उज़मा ने बी0 कॉम0 किया है. उसे पढाई के साथ-साथ जॉब करने का भी शौक था उसने अपने इस शौक को पूरा किया वो पढाई के साथ-साथ जॉब भी करती थी. उज़मा ने तीन साल में तीन कामो का एक्सपिरेंस लिया जैसे की वो पहले सोशल वर्क करती थी उसके बाद उन्होंने कांसलर का काम किया और अब वो अकाउनटेन का काम कर रही है. उज़मा बहुत ही खुश मिजाज़ है जो भी उसे एक बार देखता है या मिलता है वो उसे अपना दोस्त बना लेता है. उज़मा की सभी बहने जॉब करती है इसलिए घर के बाहर का सारा काम उज़मा ही करती है चाहे वो सब्जी लाना हो या बैंक जाना हो इन्होने घर के बाहर का वो सारा काम किया जो एक बेटा करता है. उज़मा के पापा और मम्मी उसे अपना छोटा बेटा मानते है.

Uzma is from lucknow and stays in Rajajipuram. She is very different from other girls because even though she thinks like a girl, she likes to live and dress up like a boy. At first sight people might actually think she is a boy. She lives with her parents and is the youngest among her five siblings. She has studied B.COM. She always liked working and did a part time job even while doing her graduation. In the last three years she has gathered work experience in three different areas, as a social worker, counselor and she is currently working as an accountant. Her happy go lucky attitude and fun-loving nature makes people love her in the very first meeting. Since her other four siblings are working, she handles house responsibilities like buying vegetables and going to the bank. Her parents consider her their younger son. 

unnamed-4शबनम अपने घर में सबसे छोटी हैं . उनके परिवार में ५ बहनें और २ भाई हैं . शबनम जब छोटी थीं, तब ही उनके पापा का इंतकाल हो गया था . उनकी बड़ी बहनों और भाईयों की शादी हो गई थी जब शबनम १५ साल की थीं, तब उनकी अम्मी का इंतकाल हो गया, अम्मी के इंतकाल के बाद वो अपने भाई और बहनों के साथ रहने लगीं . शबनम ने 9th तक पढाई की थी . उसके बाद उनके भाईयों ने कहा अब पढ़कर क्या करोगी लेकिन शबनम को पढने का बहुत शौक  था, तो उन्होंने बच्चों को ट्यूशन पढाना शुरू किया . और उन पैसों से अपनी आगे की पढाई पूरी की उन्होंने बी०ए० किया है . शबनम का सपना था, वकील बनने का जिसके लिए उन्होंने फॉर्म भी डाला था, जिसमे उनका सेलेक्शन भी हो गया था, पर पैसे न होने की वजह से वो आगे नही जा सकीं. पर शबनम की बड़ी बहन ने उन्हें ब्युटीशन का कोर्स करवाया, उन्हें घर से बाहर आने जाने को मना किया जाता था पर वो कुछ करना चाहती थीं, उसी दौरान उन्होंने एक प्रथम नाम की संस्था में बच्चों को पढ़ने का काम शुरू किया जिसमे कुछ दिन तो वो टीचर के रूप में रहीं फिर उन्हें सुपरवाईज़र बना दिया पर पर वो तो कुछ और ही करना चाहती थीं, फिर एक दिन शबनम की फ्रेंड कनीज़ फ़ातिमा ने सनतकदा में होने वाली इंग्लिश स्पीकिंग कोर्स के बारे में बताया जब वो वहां गयीं तो उन्हें वहां होने वाली और भी ट्रेनिंग्स के बारे में पता चला उन्हें लगा ये तो कुछ अलग है . वो तो यहाँ इंग्लिश स्पीकिंग कोर्स के लिए आयीं थी पर उन्होंने इरादा किया की अब  वो पूरी ट्रेनिंग से जुड़ेगी . और फिर उन्होंने पूरी ट्रेनिग की . जिसमे उन्होंने वीडियोग्राफी,कम्प्यूटर,स्पीकिंग कोर्स, एडिटिंग और भी कई सारी ट्रेनिग की …. शबनम एक चुप चुप सी रहने वाली लड़की थी, वो अपने मन की बात किसी से नही कहतीं थीं , पर आज उनमे काफी बदलाव आया है . अब वो काफी लोगों से बात कर लेती हैं और अपनी बात किसी के भी सामने रख सकती हैं,अब वो बहुत अच्छा महसूस करती हैं और खुश भी रहती हैं .शबनम फील्ड वर्क बहुत अच्छा कर लेती हैं, इसलिए आज वो एक सूचना केन्द्र (Information Center) में काम करती हैं ..

Shabnam is the youngest in her family. Her family consists of 4 sisters and 2 brothers. When Shabnam was a young child, her father passed away. Her elder sisters and brothers were already married. When she was 14 years old, her mother also passed away. After her mother’s death, she started staying with her brother and sisters. Shabnam had studied till the 9thstandard, after which her brothers did not feel the need for her to get more educated. Shabnam, however, was very interested in studies, so she started giving tuitions to small children. She continued her studies from the money she earned from tuitions and eventually completed her B.A. Shabnam’s dream was to become a lawyer, and she had also submitted an application for admission to a law college in which she even got selected. However, due to financial constraints, she was unable to attend Law College. Her sister then encouraged her to take up a beautician course. Shabnam was not allowed to leave the house unchaperoned, but she had a desire to do something in her life. Around that time, she began teaching students in an organization named Pratham. For sometime she worked in the capacity of a teacher, after which she was promoted to the position of supervisor. Her aspirations, however, were to do something else. One day, her friend, Kaneez Fatima, told her about the English-speaking course conducted by Sanatkada. On going for the course, she came to know about the other training conducted by Sanatkada. She felt that she had found something different to do. Although she had come to do the English-speaking course, but eventually decided to do all the training offered by Sanatkada. She did a number of training, videography, English speaking courses, editing, and several other training’s. Shabnam was a quiet girl who did not share her thoughts and feelings with anyone. Today, however, she is a changed woman. Now she talks to a lot many people, and is able to articulate herself before other people. She feels good about herself and stays happy. She conducts fieldwork very well, for which reason she is currently working in Sanatkada’s Information Center.

unnamed-6नाज़िया के परिवार में 6 लोग हैं। मम्मी पापा 3 बड़े भाई नाज़िया अपने घर तीन भाइयों की एक अकेली लाडली बहन है। उसके परिवार में सभी उससे बहुत प्यार  करते हैं। नाज़िया अभी बी ए की पढाई कर रही है। नाज़िया बहुत खुले मिजाज़ की लड़की है। नाज़िया की मम्मी एक बुटीक में काम करती हैं,और पापा मोटर मकैनिक का काम करते हैं। वो अपने परिवार में सभी की लाडली है। सभी उसकी ख़ुशी का पूरा ख्याल रखते हैं। नाजिया को कभी किसी चीज़ के लिए कोई रोक टोक लगाई गयी। चाहे वो पढाई हो या और कोई काम जैसे पेंटिंग, सिलाई, कढाई, बुनाई या टेक्निकल चीज़े हों कंप्यूटर विडियोग्राफी फोटोग्राफी उसने वो सब सीखा। आमतौर पर मुस्लिम घरों में जहाँ लड़कियों को केवल घर के काम काज के लिए ज़ोर दिया जाता है। लेकिन नाज़िया के साथ ऐसा नहीं है, क्यूंकि उसने घर के काम काज में भी अपना मन लगाया। नाज़िया ने पढाई के साथ-साथ ब्युटीशन का कोर्स भी कर रही है और अपने घर पर कुछ लड़कियों के साथ सेन्टर भी चलती है।

Naziya’s family consists of 6 members, mother, father and three elder brothers. Naziya is the apple of the eyes of her elder brothers. Everyone in her family loves her a lot. Naziya is currently pursuing her B.A. Naziya is an extroverted person. Her mother works in a boutique, and her father is a motor mechanic. She is everyone’s favorite in the family, and all of them take care to keep her happy. Naziya’s freedom has not been curtailed in any way, whether it is regarding studies or other work, such as painting, stitching, embroidery, and knitting. She has learnt technical work also, such a computers, videography, and photography. Usually, in Muslim households, girls are mainly trained to do household work, but that is not the case with Naziya’s family, even though Naziya does household work with interest also. Along with pursuing her B.A. she has also done a beautician’s course and runs a center in her house in partnership with some other girls.

14107892_10202204134340641_154687481224724891_oहमीदा के परिवार में सात भाई बहन हैं, दो भाई और पाँच बहनें .हमीदा के पापा को गले का कैंसर था, जिससे उनकी मौत हो गई , जिसकी वजह से उसके घर की माली हालत बिगड़ने लगी तब हमीदा पढाई कर रही थी, लेकिन उसे लगने लगा था, कि उसे कुछ करना चाहिए .क्यूंकि उसके दोनों भाइयों की शादी हो चुकी थी और वो सभी अपनी-अपनी ज़िन्दगी में मसरूफ़ थे, तभी हमीदा ने सोचा कि अब उसे ही कुछ करना होगा .क्यूंकि हमीदा को बचपन से ही पढने का बहुत शौक था, जिसके लिए उसने बहुत मेहनत की और इण्टर की पढाई पूरी की, उसी के साथ-साथ उसने (एच एल एल) में काम करना शुरू किया, यह काम उसने लगातार तीन साल तक किया, उसी के दौरान उसने अपनी बी० ए० की पढाई पूरी की .हालांकि हमीदा के लिए ये सब करना आसान नही था, क्यूंकि वह एक ऐसे मोहल्ले से थी, जहाँ पर लड़कियां काम करने के लिए बाहर नही निकलती थीं शायद यही वजह थी कि हमीदा को बहुत सारी मुश्किलों का सामना करना पड़ा .हमीदा की मुश्किलें इतनी ज़्यादा बढ़ गईं कि उसे लगने लगा की  जो सपने उसकी आँखों ने देखे हैं, वो यहाँ पर रहकर कभी पूरे नही हो सकते .फिर हमीदा ने फैसला लिया कि शायद फैज़ाबाद में रहकर वह अपने सपनों को पूरा नही कर सकती, तो उसने दूसरे शहर जाने के बारे में सोचा और अपनी फैमिली में बात की, लेकिन इतना बड़ा फैसला लेना उसके लिए आसान नही था .इसी तरह अपने मुश्किल सफ़र को आसान बनाने के लिए 2007 में हमीदा लखनऊ आई, जहाँ उसकी मुलाक़ात माधवी कुकरेजा से हुई .माधवी कुकरेजा जो कि सनतकदा की मुखिया और बहुत बड़ी सोशल एक्टिविस्ट हैं, जो ख़ासकर मुस्लिम और दलित ओरतों के लीडरशिप पर काम करतीं हैं .और इसी तरह हमीदा सनतकदा से जुडी और अपनी अलग -अलग कलाओं उभारने पर काम करने लगी .जिसमे उसने कंप्यूटर, कार्टून कॉमिक्स, वीडियो, फोटोग्राफी, रिपोर्ट राइटिंग और जेण्डर पसपेक्टिव की ट्रेनिंग देना सीखा .हमीदा के इस हुनर को देखकर यू०पी० स्तर पर सी वाई सी द्वारा एक फैलोशिप दिया गया .इस फैलोशिप की मदद से हमीदा ने लखनऊ शहर की मुस्लिम बस्तियों में लड़कियों के साथ काम करना शुरू किया, जिसमे लड़कियों के नेतृत्व विकास, जीवन कौशल और सशक्तिकरण जैसे मसलों पर गहरे रूप से काम किया .इस काम के दौरान हमीदा ने आसमान को छूने का अपना सपना पूरा किया, यानी उसने हवाई जहाज़ का सफ़र किया .आज तकरीबन एक सौ साठ लड़कियां हमीदा से जुडी हुई हैं, जो भविष्य में हमीदा की तरह बनना चाहती हैं .इस काम के दौरान हमीदा ने अपनी पढाई को भी जरी रखा है,  और आज वह एम०एस०डब्लू० कर रही है .जो लड़कियां हमीदा से लगातार जुडी रही हैं,आज वह खुद अपने मोहल्ले की लड़कियों के लिए रोल मॉडल के रूप में सामने आईं हैं ,और आज वह खुद एक ट्रेनर के रूप में दिख रहीं हैं .और इन लड़कियों ने अपने मोहल्ले में कई लीडरों को तैयार किया है.

14311223_862116780591236_2815823442163335900_oअक़्सा हसन, मैं लखनऊ शहर के डालीगंज बरौलिया मोहल्ले की रहने वाली हूँ, मैं अपने अम्मी-अब्बू और भाई-बहन के साथ रहती हूँ।  मेरी आयु 22 वर्ष है, मैंने बी०ए० किया है। मैं पिछले 2 वर्षों से सद्भावना ट्रस्ट, सनतकदा में लीडरशिप बिल्डिंग प्रोग्राम से जुडी हूँ।  मैंने यहाँ 2014 में बेसिक कोर्स किया था।  जिसमे कम्प्यूटर, जेण्डर, पहचान, फोटोग्राफी, वीडियोग्राफी और एडिटिंग आदि चीजों के बारे में जाना और सीखा।  इस कोर्स के बाद किसी कारण वश मैं कुछ दिनों तक इस प्रोग्राम में नही रह पाई, पर अब 2016 में मै आई०एम०बी० प्रोग्राम के एडवान्स कोर्स में जुडी हूँ। बेसिक के बाद अब एडवान्स कोर्स में मैंने बुनियादी कानून क्या है,  इसके बारे में गहराई से जाना कि किस अपराध के लिए क्या धारा लगाई जाती है, महिलाओं पर हो रहे अत्याचारों  पर क्या धारा लगाई जाती है। और अगर बात करें यौनिकता की,  तो यौनिकता का नाम सुनते ही शरमा जाते थे।  पर जब यौनिकता के बारे में गहराई से जाना तो हमें पता चला कि यौनिकता वह नहीं जो मैं समझती थी बल्कि यौनिकता तो मेरे साथ हर जगह हर चीज़ से जुडी हुई है।  जैसे – मेरे कपडे, खाना, पढाई, बाहर आना जाना, दोस्ती, प्यार आदि।  इसी के साथ ही मैंने ट्रिपल सी के बारे में भी पढ़ा और ट्रिपल सी का एग्जाम देने के लिए मैंने ऑनलाइन प्रश्न भी हल किये ताकि मैं आराम से और बिना किसी डर के ट्रिपल सी का एग्जाम दे सकूँ। यह सब तो सीख ही रहे थे पर इन सबके बावजूद भी कुछ कमी सी लग रही थी।  और वह कमी थी इंग्लिश कम्युनिकेशन की, लेकिन जैसे ही मुझे पता चला कि इस कोर्स में इंग्लिश कम्युनिकेशन करना भी सिखाया जायेगा। यह सुनकर मैं बहुत खुश हो गयी क्योंकि भविष्य में आगे बढ़ने और कुछ करने के लिए इंग्लिश कम्युनिकेशन आना बहुत ज़रूरी है।  इंग्लिश कम्युनिकेशन के ज़रिये मैंने जाना कि दूसरों के सामने कैसे खड़े होना है, उनसे कैसे और किस तरह बात करनी है,  हम लोगों को किस तरह बोलना चाहिये यह सारी चीज़ें मुझे इंग्लिश कम्युनिकेशन के दौरान पता चलीं काफी सारी चीज़ें मुझे समझ आ गई हैं, अब मैं प्रैक्टिस में रहूंगी ताकि मेरा इंग्लिश कम्युनिकेशन और मज़बूत हो जाए।

Aksa Hasan. I live in Lucknow’s Daliganj Barailiya neighborhood. I live with my mother, father and siblings. I am 22 years old. I have completed my BA. I joined the Sadbhavana Trust, Sanatkada’s leadership program two years ago. In 2014, I took basic courses here. Through these classes, I learned about computers, gender identity, photography, film-making, editing as well as other things. After this course, I couldn’t stay due to personal reasons, but now in 2016, I joined an IMB program through which I am taking advanced classes. After basic courses, I am taking an advanced course on what the basics of law are. This course goes into depth on what action is taken against every kind of crime, especially crimes committed against women. Whenever we talked about sexuality, upon hearing the word, everyone became shy. Once we got to know more about sexuality, we realized that it was not what we initially understood it to be. Rather sexuality is with us everywhere we go, whatever we do: my clothes, my food, my studies, my journeys, friends, love, etc. Along with this, I am also studying Triple C. In studying for the Triple C exam, I have taken every online quiz so that I can take the exam with no worries. Despite learning all of this, we still felt like something was lacking. That something was English communication. However, I found out that in this course we would also be learning about English communication. Upon hearing this, I was very happy because learning English is important for one to be able to move forward and to make something of herself. English communication is a source that teaches you how to stand up to someone and in what way to speak with someone, what to say: almost all of these things I learned from my English communication class. I will remain in this program until my English becomes stronger. 

13606838_823752901094291_9034744055830020121_n-1Nagma Parveen, a Lucknow student, first saw the acronym RTI mentioned in a newspaper. She did not know what it meant. When she continued to see reports about the right to information (RTI) in the print media, she got curious. She asked her friend Rubeena Bano if she had any idea about the RTI. Rubeena replied, that she did not know anything about it. So together, the two friends decided to find out more about the RTI.

They took to the street asking citizens, including auto-rickshaw drivers, shop keepers and pedestrians about the RTI. Since both the girls are linked to the film unit of Sanatkada (a local NGO), they took a microphone and a cameraman with them.

Follow Hard news on Facebook and Twitter  “We were surprised that the people we met in the city were as ignorant about the RTI as us,” said Rubeena. It may be recalled that the RTI was passed by Parliament in 2005 as a fundamental right of citizens to request information from the government. The government is required to reply immediately or within thirty days. At the end of the day, the girls did not get the information they were looking for but they did have a film in hand showing them walking around Lucknow trying to find people who could tell them more about the RTI. The mission was to find answers to questions like what is RTI? Do people in neighborhoods other than their own know about the RTI? If they do, have they made use of the Act? What kind of questions are citizens allowed to ask of the government? How does the Act help women? The film footage was later shown to Madhavi Kuckreja, founder Sanatkada. Madhavi works with women from local neighborhoods who first learn, and then talk to other women unaware of various government schemes that can benefit them. She facilitates women to support each other in every possible way, to enroll for higher studies, to open bank accounts, get identity cards and ration cards. Those looking for jobs are provided career counseling as well. Madhavi thought that cinema is such a great way to talk about the relevance of RTI, especially to the life of women not fluent in reading and writing. She shared this first footage of the film with Dr. Farah Usmani, friend of Sanatkada and head, United Nations Population Fund ( UNFPA), New York. Farah is passionate about the rights of women and girls. For nearly three decades she has focused on researching and delivering medical services to women and girls in Uttar Pradesh, and internationally. Hers is a cumulative experience in policy, planning, programming for women and girls at global, regional, national and sub-national levels including with public sector, bilateral donor programmed and the United Nations. “I was delighted to join this group of girls wanting to make a film on RTI and its benefits especially to women,” Farah said at a recent screening of the same film at the conference hall of the newly built RTI Bhawan in Lucknow. It is important according to her for citizens to get the government to share information for the sake of transparency and accountability. After an exchange of numerous emails and Skype talks, Sabka Adhikar, a 20 minute documentary on the RTI finally saw the light of day last month. The idea is to screen the film before an even more diverse audience and to raise awareness amongst viewers about the policy, provisions, and the process by which citizens can benefit from the Act. Farah directed the girls to meet the right people in civil society and in government to talk about the Act on screen. The people included Jawed Usmani, Chief Information Commissioner, Uttar Pradesh to the public information officers, the most important link between the government and citizens.There is Askari Naqvi, city lawyer who admits that even after a decade, most people have no idea that this Act gives them the right to request information from the government. Members of local NGOs tell the film makers how their work became easy after they found out how the Act works. There are more interviews including one with a student who uses the RTI to find out why she did not receive her scholarship? Now she is happy. She provided the missing document in her application form and her scholarship is released enabling her to continue her studies. The Act is truly a boon and more needs to be done to spread awareness about its benefits.

Mantasha, I am 17 years old. I am a student of  class 9th. I live in Hata Noora Beg, Sahadatganj, Lmantashaucknow. My parents are Munir and Shamim Bano and I have brother, Faiz. I have five sisters. I joined this program with the thought that in this program I will not only learn computer but a lot of knowledge about the world.Through this program I have learned M.S. word, Excel, Google, Power Point and Note Pad.From this program I hope that I will get the opportunity to complete the basic course of computer and then later on do the advance course,so that I get a nice job. I always want to stay connected with this organisation. This program has helped me become aware of a number of things.


 Deepa Kanaujiya, I am 25 years old and I have done bachelors in Arts. It was my wish to join this leadership program.Through this program I got to know about my rights and people’s views about the world. My thought process changed.The reason I joined this Leadership program was to learn and enhance my knowledge. I learned many things in this computer program. When I attend the monthly meetings of this program I get to discuss things which I never used to talk with anybody. Because of this program I learnt about my surroundings and got information about the society.

 Shazma.JPGShazma, my family consists of  five members . I have a father, mother, a brother and a sister. I joined this program to learn computer because initially I did not know how to work on a computer. This program offered computer training and I thought that this was a great opportunity to become an aware citizen. I will become an empowered woman.In this leadership program I have not only learned computer but I also learned about identity, my Identity. In computer I learned Paint, Word pad, Note pad, M.S. Word, Power Point, Excel and internet. I feel nice coming here.I feel that this leadership program gives me a lot of scope to learn and become a good girl. People here talk very politely and make us understand things very lovingly. I feel that I have done a wonderful job by joining this program and I hope that I will learn a lot from this program.


Mariyam, I am 17 years old and i study in class 12th.I joined this leadership program to learn computer and enhance my knowledge.I have learnt Paint, Word pad, Note pad, M.S. Word, Power Point, Excel, Internet and many more things. In this program I understood the importance of identity. I enjoy a lot here.I hope that after learning here I am independent and the skills taught here will help me find a decent job. In my family I have my father, sisters, aunt and a grandmother.I used to study and teach before coming here.

   1  Insha Imran, I joined this Leadership program to learn computer and new things.In this program I have learnt Paint, Word Pad, Note pad, M.S. Word, Power Point, Excel, Internet and many more things. I enjoyed a lot here.I hope that I learn all the things taught here and they help me become an independent human being.Before coming here I used to study.In leadership program I learnt about how to work on computer .

sahibaSahiba, I joined this program to learn about computer and how it works. I wanted to learn computer because at times I have to work on it. I wanted to learn computer because after learning it I want to do something nice. In this leadership program we are not only taught computer but many more things which I want to learn.In this program I learnt computer and in computer we learnt paint, Word pad, Notepad, M.S. Word, Power point, Excel and Internet. I feel very nice coming here.I hope that I will get to learn things which are not taught anywhere else.

laiba Laiba,I joined this leadership program to know about computer, what all it consists and how does it operate. I joined this program to enhance my knowledge. Before being a part of this program I used to study. Here we learn Paint, Word Pad, Note pad, M.S. Word, Power Point, excel, Internet and many more things. I learned to speak and move out of the house because initially I used to feel scared to go out of the house. Further from this program I hope that I will be independent and when I will get a job I will teach children computer.

sanaSana Parveen,joined this Leadership program so that I will get help in my studies. I wish to study more. I came here to learn good manners and how to have a positive thinking. After coming here I learned computer and how to work on Google. Certain things told by Aisha Appi put me into a fix that how can these things be done? People here talk very politely. All the girls in this program are very helpful.I hope that through this program I will get a decent job. I want to be an independent woman. In my family I have my mother, two sisters, three brothers and two nephews. Before coming here I studied till class 9 in Karamat Degree College but due to family problems I had to leave my education. Since two years I am at home and I want to complete my education and do a Computer course.


Nasreen, joined this Leadership program because I thought I will get to learn computer and things which were not taught to me anywhere else.  In this program I learnt Paint, Word Pad, Note Pad, M.S. Word, Power Point, Excel, Internet and many more things. In my family I have my mother and three brothers. My father is no more n this world. I hope that this program will help me become and independent and self sufficient person.Before coming here I joined College to complete my studies which I had left earlier. Since I have started going to college I don’t fear going out. And now I have realized that education is such an essential part of life.


Yasmeen, I joined this leadership Program thinking that I will learn computer and I will become independent. I want to learn computer because I don’t know how to use it. I want stay connected with this program. In this program I have learned a lot. Initially I used to hesitate to put forward my voice but now I can confidently talk. This program has given new dimensions to me thoughts.I hope that I will be independent and get a decent job after learning computer. I want create my identity and help other people. In my family I have my parents, three sisters and four brothers. All my siblings are nice. My brothers do zari work and one of them studies.


Shweda Jahan, I have seen people in my family. I have joined this leadership program to learn about computer Studies, Videography, Photography and leadership courses. In computer studies I have learnt Paint, Word pad, Note pad, M.S. word, Power point, Excel and Internet. After coming here we learnt now to talk to our parent about our right of freedom. Girls should go out and they should take part in every activity and excel in it. I like all these things.I hope that this program will help me learn computer and i will have my own identity. I want to teach other girls after I complete my program. My parents want me to study and then job or business. Before coming here I used to study and this program gave me confidence because earlier I used to hesitate speaking and now I can speak and put forward my rights.


Risha Khan, I have joined this Leadership program to get information about our society and to learn about social issues like education and gender discrimination. I also wish to learn computer so that I get a decent job later in life. I joined this program to increase my knowledge.Here I learnt how to use computer and its different parts. The movies shown here give us life lessons and give us a direction to think. All the staffs here make us understand it very nicely.My hopes from this program are that I increase my knowledge and learn new things that were never known to me. In this program i got to know about computer and society. In my family there are seven members. I have a sister whose name is Nazia Khan and a brother who is Shabaz Khan. I have a son whose name is Asad Khan.Before joining this program I used to do work at my home and teach my son Arabic and Hindi. I have also filled a form for a private school to complete my education.


Neha,I have a seven member family. I joined this program to learn computer and many more things. I got information about my views. I hope that after learning computer I become independent. My parents support me a lot and they never stop me from going out anywhere and I also support them. I have three brothers and all three of them study. Before coming here i used to do zari work. I had no knowledge about computer and i had left my education. Aisha appi persuaded my father to allow me to study. Earlier i used to be afraid of going out of the house.

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